profess xie hongming guangzhou university equipment management engineering consulting co., ltd. was invited to our company during nov. 18th to 22nd f the fifth phase of tnpm equipment management system project promotion. this phase is mainly focused on inspection of production area, end fittings warehouse, repair warehouse boiler house, as well as summary of arranged wk in the fourth phase. after the inspection, the profess the promotion team commented that spiral hose wkshop, hydraulic hose wkshop, industrial hose wkshop iii, convey belt wkshop braiding hose wkshop are improving fast. besides, marine engineering hose wkshop has made great progress this month.

at the same time, profess xie pointed out the shtcomings of the previous wk f the departments to crect them in time, also cleared the direction of next step. this month, we conducted a preliminary survey on the management of each wkshop equipment. the results are as follows:

accding to the research results, profess xie puts fward the plan of compiling management documents f equipment cleaning, spot check lubrication.
next steps:
1. each wkshop shall make their 6s stard ppt accding to the template. low pressure hose wkshop iii, marine hose wkshop, spiral hose wkshop, braiding hose wkshop hydraulic hose wkshop need to upgrade their wd version into ppt, other wkshops shall make ppt directly;
2. accding to 001 - template of equipment reference book of –《cleaning, lubrication, spot inspection》, the production wkshop shall wk out the equipment reference book in cooperation with the equipment department;
3. after the equipment reference book is discussed approved, it will be divided into 002-equipment cleaning & maintenance stard, 003-spot inspection stard, 004-equipment lubrication stard, 005–long-period oil change - annual lubrication plan - lubrication stard & lubrication table;
4. the production wkshop shall input data collected accding to 007 wkshop index chart quality chart, 008-fault statistics;
5. the east & west repair wkshop shall input the data collected accding to 009-equipment maintenance analysis of east plant 010-west equipment maintenance analysis of west plant.
tnpm management system is an imptant measure of improvement, which is a systematic project of internal external comprehensiveness improvement. we should cherish the opptunity, wk together to overcome difficulties, make up f the shtcomings of our equipment management.